Friday, August 17, 2007

Ecstatic Sunshine

I've just scheduled three days of recording with Ecstatic Sunshine from Baltimore!

These guys are ill. Their album Freckle Wars is fucking awesome. If you haven't heard this band, got to their myspace page right now. I'd say they are one of my favorite bands in this great jam session we call Earth. The band is Matt Papich (also in The Death Set) and Dustin Wong (also in Ponytail). They are a Wham City band, and they played at Whartscape last month, and it was great.

In other news, there is a chance that I will be accompanying Dan Deacon and Girl Talk on their nationwide tour in September, recording Dan's live sets. This is a big big maybe, so maybe I shouldn't be posting it yet, but it's, like, whatever!

Also, check out Jimmy Joe Roche's advertisement for his tour with OCDJ and Rubbed Raw:


Eff Gwazdor said...

Oh COOL. I didn't know that you'd be doing any more recording. I thought it was all mixing. That's great - I'll check out they myspace page.

Also, I hope the Dan Deacon live recording thing works out - it sounds like a good way to spend a september.

BrianFrancisMcC said...

hey, i listened to the newly posted songs on the Ecstatic Sunshine myspace page and it sounds like they're diggin delay and loop pedals and bass drums...I'm hopin they don't venture too far from the clean, jangly sound cause that's been soo clutch. what I've really enjoyed about these guys is that each song has so much personality despite the fact that the tone of the guitars is pretty static between each piece. i hope they don't feel like they need to add crazy effects to create new material...their approach has been totally effective as is.
you have any idea what might be in store as far as how they'll wanna record their guitars?

Cheddar Gouda said...

yes, the new material is much more delay heavy, but they havn't really been using it as an effect. The delay is used more to create an ensemble. It's very loop based. The songs we are recording are heavily influenced by Reich and other minimalists and world music. It's much different, but still definately the Ecstatic Sunshine feel.