Thursday, November 8, 2007

New News

oK oK oK...
I'm not in Peru anymore... actually I've been back for over a week!

I'm in Baltimore with The Tall Grass.

Jared lives at Floristree, where I've been before. It's a great place.

The instrumentation is three electric guitars, drums and vocals. Sometimes there is acoustic guitar. Sometimes there is keyboard. There are nine songs total, and we have all the basic tracks recorded. We tracked the songs live with as much isolation between instruments as possible, so that some of tracks can be replaced later (for better performances/sonic qualitly).


I will be going to Europe for a month with Dan Deacon to handle his live sound, sell merch, and lug gear. We leave on November 25th. I've never been to that continent before! Check out Dan's myspace page for the dates. Really exciting!

In early January, I will hopefully be going back down to Raleigh, NC to do another album with Lonnie Walker at a studio run by the band Annuals, which I don't know much about. Yes, yeah...

I'm listening to "Something in the Way" right now.
Now I'm listening to "Cecilia".


Anonymous said...

Europe!! Wow, that sounds great.let's try to get together for dinner before then. let us know when you're back from Baltimore!

Eff Gwazdor said...

Chester! Post some songs man!

I think there are some recording projects ready in the Bay area. Lydia Greer, my classmate, is going to be doing a puppet show similar to the one posted on my blog (link to her youtube page). Except this time she is getting this grant and working with this New Media artist named Greg Niemeyer (page) who has done a lot of really interesting work with sound. They are going to be making a puppet show with new technlogically-mediated ways of display, and some sound that is responsive to the light conditions. It should be awesome, and it might need some musicians and eventually will need to be recorded.

So when you are out in Portland you should arrange to see if a trip to the Bay would be fruitvale. I mean fruitful.